✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
I continued to have remorse, yet the Lord kept coming, and wanting to repair for what I had done the day before, I told Him: ‘Lord, let’s go see what creatures are doing. They are your images –don’t You want to have compassion for them?’ And He: "No, I do not want to go. They have corrupted themselves of their own will, and I will permit that what serves as their nourishment will serve them as infection. Do you want to go to help, to comfort, to do something? Go ahead – I won’t." So I left my beloved Jesus and I went into the midst of creatures; I helped someone to die well; then I saw where the infected air was coming from and did various penances in order to move it away; and then I came back. Blessed Jesus continued to let Himself be seen, but in silence.