October 6, 1909
✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
Volume 9 — Entry 16
This morning, finding myself with the fear that blessed Jesus, in seeing me still so cattiva [bad], had left me, I felt Him come out from within my interior, and He told me: “My daughter, why do you occupy yourself with useless thoughts and with things which are not? Know that you have three titles before Me, which, like three little ropes, bind Me all over and clasp Me more intimately to you, in such a way that I cannot leave you; and these are: assiduous sufferings, perpetual reparation, persevering love. If you, as a creature, are constant in this, would the Creator perhaps be inferior to the creature - or would He let Himself be surpassed by her? This is impossible.”