✞ Before dying, the soul must make everything die in the Divine Will and in Love.
As I was in my usual state, blessed Jesus came for just a little, almost in the act of chastising the people, and He told me: “My daughter, creatures lacerate my flesh, they trample upon my Blood continuously, and I will permit that their flesh be lacerated and their blood dispersed. In these times humanity is like a bone out of place – out of its center, and in order to put it in place again and make it reenter into its center it is necessary that it be undone.” Then, calming Himself a little, He added: “My daughter, the soul can know whether she has dominated her passions, if, touched by temptations or by people, she takes it into no consideration. For example: she is tempted to impurity; if she has dominated this passion the soul takes it into no consideration, and her very nature remains in its place; if on the other hand she hasn’t, the soul becomes annoyed, she afflicts herself, and feels a rotten stream flow within her body. Or, one person mortifies or insults someone else; if this one has dominated the passion of pride, she remains at peace; if on the other hand she hasn’t, she feels a stream of fire, of indignation, of pride within herself, which turns her completely upside down. In fact, when the passion is there, at the occasion, it comes out into the field; and so with all the rest.”