✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
Continuing in my usual state, I felt people around my bed praying to Our Lord; but I did not care about hearing what they wanted, I only cared about the fact that it was late and blessed Jesus had not yet made Himself seen. Oh! how my heart was tormented, fearing that He might not come at all. And I said to myself: ‘Blessed Lord, we are now at the last hour and You are still not coming? O please! do not give me this sorrow – let Yourself be seen at least.’ While I was saying this, He came out from within my interior and said to those who were around me: “It is not licit for creatures to fight with my Justice. Only for one who has the title of victim is it licit, not only to fight, but to play with Justice; and this, because in fighting or playing, one easily suffers blows, defeats and losses, and the victim is ready to receive the blows upon herself, and to resign herself in the defeats and losses, without caring about her losses, about her sufferings, but only about the glory of God and the good of her neighbor. If I wanted to placate Myself, I have my victim here, who is ready to fight and to receive all the fury of my Justice upon herself.” It shows that they were praying in order to placate the Lord. I was left mortified and more embittered in hearing this from Our Lord.