✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
As I was a little in suffering, blessed Jesus, on coming, said to me: “My beloved daughter, the more the iron is beaten, the more light it acquires; and even if the iron did not have rust, the blows serve to keep it shiny and free of dust. So, whoever comes close to that iron, can easily reflect himself in it as if it were a mirror. The same for the soul: the more the blows of the cross knock her down, the more light she acquires, and she maintains herself dusted of any slightest thing, in such a way that whoever comes close to her can reflect himself in her as if she were a mirror. And, naturally, being a mirror, she performs its office – to show whether faces are stained or clean, whether they are beautiful or ugly. Not only this, but I Myself delight in going to reflect Myself in her; and finding in her no dust or any other thing that may prevent Me from reflecting my Image in her, I love her more and more.”