✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
This morning I was praying for a priest who was infirm, who had been my director, and I was thinking to myself: ‘Had he continued my direction, would he be infirm or not?’ And blessed Jesus, on coming, told me: “My daughter, who enjoys the goods that are present inside a house? Certainly those who are in it; and even though someone has been there before, only those who are currently in it can enjoy them. For example, as long as a servant remains with his master, the master pays him and allows him to enjoy the goods which are in his house; and when he goes away, he calls another one, pays him and lets him share in his goods. So I do; when something is wanted by Me and is left by someone, I transmit it to someone else, giving him everything which was destined for the other. So, had he continued your direction, given your state of victim, he would have enjoyed the goods pertaining to the state of the one who currently guides you, therefore he would not have been infirm. And if the current guide, in spite of his health, does not obtain everything else he wants, it is because he does not do fully what I want, and even though he enjoys some goods, yet, certain charisms of mine he does not deserve.”