✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
Continuing in my usual state, my adorable Jesus made me see His Most Sacred Humanity, all of His wounds, His pains; and from within His wounds, even from the drops of His Blood, many branches loaded with fruits and flowers came out, and it seemed that He communicated His sufferings to me, as well as all His branches loaded with flowers and fruits. I remained surprised on seeing the goodness of Our Lord in sharing all His goods with me, without excluding me from anything of all that He contained; and blessed Jesus told me: “My beloved daughter, do not be surprised at what you see, for you are not alone, nor the only one. In fact, in all times I have had souls from whom - as much as is possible for a creature, perfectly in some way - I might receive the purpose of my Creation, Redemption and Sanctification, and the creature might receive all the goods for which I created, redeemed and sanctified man. Otherwise, if I did not have even one single creature in each time, my whole work would be frustrated, at least for some time.
This is the order of my Providence, of my Justice and of my Love – that in each time I must have at least one with whom I might share all goods, and that the creature must give Me everything she owes Me as creature. Otherwise, why maintain the world? In one moment I would shatter it. This is precisely why I choose victim souls: just as divine Justice found in Me everything It should find in all creatures, and shared with Me, all together, the goods It would have shared with all creatures, in such a way that my Humanity contained everything, so do I find everything in the victims, and I share all my goods with them. During the time of my Passion I had my dearest Mother who, while I shared all my pains and all my goods with Her, was most attentive as creature, on gathering within Herself everything that creatures were to do for Me. Therefore in Her I found all my satisfaction and all the gratitude, the thanksgiving, the praise, the reparation, the correspondence which I was to find in everyone else. Then came Magdalene, John, and so on, in all the times of the Church. And so that these souls might be more pleasing to Me and I might feel drawn to give them everything, first I anticipate them, and then I ennoble their souls, bodies, traits, and even their voices, in such a way that one single word has so much strength, it is so gracious, sweet, penetrating, that it moves my whole Being to compassion and tenderness; it changes Me, and I say: ‘Ah! This is the voice of my beloved, I cannot do without listening to her; it would be as though wanting to deny what she wants to my very Self. If I am not to listen to her, I should take the will to speak away from her; but as for sending her back empty-handed – never.’ So, there is such electricity of union between Me and her, that the soul herself cannot comprehend everything in this life, though she will comprehend it with all clarity in the next.”