✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
As I was in my usual state, I seemed to see blessed Jesus inside of me, all afflicted, in the act of suffering the crucifixion, and it seemed that I would suffer a little together with Him. Then He told me: "My daughter, everything is yours: my sufferings and all of Myself - I give you everything as gift." Then He added: "My daughter, how many things creatures do against Me - what a thirst for sins they have, what a thirst for blood! I would want to do nothing but pour the bowels of the earth inside out and burn them all up." And I: ‘Lord, what are You saying? You told me that You are all mine, and one who gives himself to someone else is no longer the master of himself. I do not want You to do this, and You must not do it. If You want satisfaction from me, make me suffer whatever You want, for I am ready for everything.’
So, I felt Him within me as if I were keeping Him bound, and often times He would repeat: "Let Me do, for I can take no more! Let Me do, for I can take no more!" And I would repeat: ‘I do not want it, Lord, I do not want it.’ But as I was saying this, I felt my heart split with tenderness in admiring His goodness, so condescending to a sinful soul such as I. I could comprehend many things about the divine goodness, but I cannot say them well.