✞ Preparation and thanksgiving at Communion.
Continuing in my state of almost total privation – at the most, [He comes] like a flash or a shadow – I was saying in my interior: ‘Life of my life, how is it that You are not coming? Oh, how cruel You have become with me! How hard your Heart has become as You reach the point of not listening to me. Where are your promises? Where, your love, since You leave me abandoned in the abyss of my miseries? Yet, You promised me that You would never leave me; You told me that You love me – and now? And now? You Yourself told me that it is from one’s constancy that it can be known whether one really loves You, and if there is no constancy, one cannot rely on this love. So, how is it that You want it from me, who does not form your life, and then You who are my life deny it to me?’ But who can say all of my nonsense – I would be too long.
In the meantime, He moved in my interior, raising His arm in the act of sustaining me, and He told me: "I am within you, and I hide more in you to see what you do. I have failed in nothing, neither in promises, nor in love, nor in constancy. If you, imperfect, do it, I do it in the fullness of perfection toward you." And He disappeared.