✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
Finding myself in my usual state, I was saying in my interior: ‘Lord, let it be that I may be all Yours and that I may be always, always with You, and that I may never separate from You. However, while I am with You, do not permit that I may be a goad that embitters You, that I may bother You, that I may displease You, but that I may be a goad that is present in You to sustain You when You are tired or oppressed, that consoles You when You are bothered by the other creatures.’ While I was saying this, blessed Jesus told me: "My daughter, one who is in the continuous attitude of loving Me is always with Me, and can never be a goad that gives Me bother, but a goad that sustains Me, that relieves Me, that soothes Me. In fact, true love has this as its own: it renders the beloved content. Besides, one who always loves Me can never displease Me, because love absorbs the whole person. At the most, there might be little things, and the soul herself does not even realize that she may displease Me, but love itself takes on the commitment to purify her, so that I may always find my delights in her."