✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
After I told the confessor what is written above, he got upset, for he absolutely wanted me to oppose the Lord, because obedience did not want it. As for myself, I was feeling worse; the thought of the many privations of blessed Jesus, which had burned me to the quick over and over again, made me long for Heaven. I felt my poor humanity vividly, as it kept grumbling against obedience. I felt my poor humanity as if under a press, and I could not make up my mind. In the meantime Our Lord came, with an arch of light in His hands. A scythe came out, also of light, which touched the arch that blessed Jesus held in His hands, and as the arch was touched, it remained absorbed in Christ; and He disappeared, without giving me the time to tell what obedience wanted. I understood that the arch was my soul, and the scythe was death.