✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
Having received the obedience to speak only a few words if anyone came, I was concerned I had failed the obedience, and added to that, blessed Jesus was not coming. Who can say the torment of my soul – thinking that He was not coming because I had committed sin. His privation is always a cruel torment, but the thought of having provided the occasion for it because of some fault, is a torment that makes one go mad and kills with one blow.
Then, after I struggled very much, He came and touched me three times, telling me: "My daughter, I renew you in the Power of the Father, in my Wisdom, and in the Love of the Holy Spirit." What I felt as He was saying this I am unable to express. Then He seemed to lie down within me, placing His head crowned with thorns upon my heart, and He added: "Upright operating keeps Divine Love always lit within the soul, while the operating which is not upright keeps putting it out, and if it tries to light it, now comes the breath of love of self and puts it out, now human respect, now self esteem, now the breath of the desire to please others… In sum, many breaths always keep putting it out; while with the upright operating, it is not many breaths that light this divine fire in the soul, but one continuous breath which keeps it always lit – and it is only the omnipotent breath of a God."