✞ Constancy in good makes Divine Life grow in the soul.
This morning I was thinking to myself that I felt as though stopped, without moving either forward or backward; and I said: ‘Lord, I myself cannot say what I feel. But after all, I will not afflict myself; whether I am behind, or still, or ahead, as long as I am in your Will I am always fine. In whatever point or in whatever way I may be, your Will is always holy, and in whatever way I will be in It, I will always be fine’
In the meantime, blessed Jesus came for a little while, and told me: "My daughter, courage, do not fear if you feel stopped; but be careful to make your stops in my Will, without going out of my Volition at all. I too make my stops in It, but then, in a twinkling of an eye I do more than I have not done for years and years. See, according to the world, it seems that I have stopped, because since it deserves to be severely chastised and I am not doing it, it seems that I am not in motion; but if I take the rod in my hand, you will see how I will make up for all the stops. The same for you: remaining always in my Will, if you see that my Will wants you stopped, then stop and enjoy my Will; if you see that my Will wants you to walk, then walk – but walk always in my Volition, because by walking in my Will you will walk with Me, and will have the same Will of my walking. Therefore, remain always at the order of my Will, whether still or in motion, and you will always be fine."