✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
Continuing in my usual state, I felt Our Lord near me for just a little, and He told me: "My daughter, with the soul who does my Will, my Will circulates in her whole being like blood. So, she is in continuous contact with Me, with my power, wisdom, charity, beauty – she takes part in all that is Mine. As she no longer lives of her own volition, her volition lives in Mine; and as Mine circulates in hers, hers circulates in all of my Being, and I feel her continuous contact. And as I feel touched by her continuously, you cannot comprehend how drawn I feel to love her, to favor her, to answer her in everything she asks - if I denied it, I would deny it to Myself. Besides, all things considered, since she lives in my Will, she asks for nothing but what I Myself want. This is what she wants, and this alone makes her happy, for herself and for others, because her life is more in Heaven than on earth. This is the fruit that my Will produces – to beatify her in advance."