✞ Before dying, the soul must make everything die in the Divine Will and in Love.
My usual state of privation continues – and perhaps it is even worse. Oh God! What a descent I have made. I could never imagine I would reach such an end; but at least I hope I will never, never go out of the circle of His Most Holy Will - this is everything for me. I would like to cry over my heart-rending state, and sometimes I do; but Jesus reproaches me, telling me: "You want to be always a little girl? It shows that I am dealing with a little girl – I cannot trust you; I was hoping to find in you the heroism of sacrifice for Me, but instead I find the tears of a little girl who wants no sacrifice."
And so, if I cry, He shows Himself harder, and He does one of His bravados by not coming at all for that day. Therefore, I have to pluck up courage to keep crying away from me, and I say to Jesus: "You say that You deprive me of Yourself out of love, and for love of You I accept your privation; for love of You I will not cry.’ And if I manage it, He shows Himself a little bit more indulgent; otherwise He penalizes me more with His privation - dying continuously, though living. Then, after spending a day like this, as much as I tried, I could not hold back my tears. Jesus made me pay for it as I deserved, but late at night, having compassion for me, as if just a window of light had opened in my mind, He made Himself seen and told me: "Don’t you want to understand that before dying you must die to everything – to suffering, to desires, to favors, to everything; and that everything must die in my Will and in my Love? That which enters eternity in Heaven is my Will and Love – all other virtues end: patience, obedience, suffering, desires… Only my Will and Love never end. Therefore, you must die in advance in my Will and in Love.
This is for all of my saints; and I Myself did not want to spare Myself being abandoned by the Father, so as to die completely in the Will and in the Love of the Father. Oh! how I would have wanted to suffer more! Oh! how much more did I yearn to do for souls! But all this died in the Will and Love of the Father, and so also have the souls done who have really loved Me. And you don’t want to understand this."