✞ Before dying, the soul must make everything die in the Divine Will and in Love.
Continuing in my usual state, I said to myself: ‘Why does the Lord absolutely want that no breath of disturbance enter into me, and that in all things I remain at peace? It seems that nothing pleases Him, be they even great works, heroic virtues, atrocious sufferings… It seems that He sniffs in the soul, and with all those things, if she has no peace, He remains nauseated and displeased with the soul.’ At that moment, He made Himself heard, and with dignified and imposing voice, answering my ‘why’, He told me: "Because peace is divine virtue, while the other virtues are human. So, any virtue, if it is not crowned with peace, cannot be called virtue – but vice. This is why I cherish peace so much – because peace is the surest sign that one suffers and works for Me, and it is the heritage I give to my children, of the eternal peace they will enjoy with Me in Heaven."