✞ Before dying, the soul must make everything die in the Divine Will and in Love.
Continuing in my usual state, I found myself outside of myself with baby Jesus in my arms, and I said to Him: ‘Tell me, my little pretty one, what does the Father do?’ And He: "The Father forms one single thing with Me; therefore, whatever the Father does, I do."
And I added: ‘And with the Saints – what do You do?’ And He: "I give Myself continuously; so, I am their life, joy, happiness, immense good, without end and without boundaries. They are filled with Me; they find everything in Me – I am everything for them, and they are all for Me."
On hearing this, I wanted to get huffy, and I said to Him: ‘To the Saints You give Yourself continuously, but to me, then – so meagerly, so stingily, and at intervals, to the point of having me spend part of the day without coming. And sometimes You hold off so much that the fear comes to me that You may not even come until evening; so I live dying, but of the most cruel and ruthless death. Yet, You told me that You loved me very much.’ And He: "My daughter, to you also I give Myself continuously – now personally, now by grace, now through light, and in many other ways. And then, who can deny that I love you very, very much?"
Now, at that moment a thought came to me of asking whether my state was Will of God - for that was more necessary than what I was saying to Him. So I told Him, and He, instead of answering me, drew near my mouth and placed His tongue in my mouth, and I was no longer able to speak. I could just suckle something - but I can’t tell what it was; and as He withdrew it, I could only say: ‘Lord, come back soon – who knows when You are coming back.’ And He answered: "This evening I will come back again." And He disappeared.