✞ Before dying, the soul must make everything die in the Divine Will and in Love.
As I was in my usual state, I felt I was really a useless being; I was unable to think of either sins, or coldness or fervor - I looked at all things in the same way. I feel indifferent to everything; I occupy myself with nothing but the Holy Will of God, but without anxiety, rather, in the most perfect calm. So, I was saying to myself: ‘What a bad state mine is! Had I at least the thought of my sins - yet, it seems I am happy with them. Oh, Holy God, what disgrace is mine!’ While I was saying this, blessed Jesus came and told me: "My daughter, those who live down below, breathing the air that everyone breathes, are forced to feel the various mutations of weather – that is, cold, heat, rain, hail, winds, nighttime, daytime… But one who lives up high, where the air ends, is not subject to feeling these mutations of weather, because there is nothing but perfect daytime; and not feeling these mutations, naturally she has no concerns at all. The same happens to one who lives up high and from the divine air alone. Since my Being is not subject to mutations, but It is always the same, always peaceful and in full contentment, what is the wonder if one who lives in Me, from my Will and from my own air, has no concerns about anything? So, would you rather live down below like the majority does – that is, outside of Me, from human air, from passions…?"