✞ Before dying, the soul must make everything die in the Divine Will and in Love.
Continuing in my usual state, blessed Jesus came for just a little and told me: "My daughter, the supreme unity is when the soul reaches such tightness of union with my Will as to consume any shadow of her own will, in such a way that it is no longer possible to discern which one is my Will and which one is hers. Then my Will becomes the life of this soul, in such a way that whatever thing It may dispose over her as well as over others, she is content with everything. Anything seems to be suitable for her; death, life, cross, poverty, etc. – she looks at all of these as her own things, which serve to maintain her life. She reaches such an extent, that not even chastisements frighten her any more, but she is content with the Divine Will in everything, so much so, that it seems to her that if I want something, she wants it too; and if she wants it, the Lord does it. I do what she wants, and she does what I want.
This is the final breath of the consummation of your will in mine which I have asked of you many times, and which obedience and charity toward the neighbor have not conceded you; so much so, that many times I have surrendered to you by not chastising, but you have not surrendered to Me, to the point that I am forced to hide from you in order to be free when justice forces Me and men reach the point of provoking Me to take up the scourge in my hand and chastise the peoples. If I had you with Me, with my Will in the act of scourging, I would probably have fallen short and diminished the scourge, because there is no greater power in Heaven and on earth than a soul who is totally and completely consumed in my Will. She reaches the point of debilitating Me, and she disarms Me as she pleases. This is the supreme unity. Then, there is the low unity in which the soul is resigned, yes, but she does not look at my dispositions as her own things - as her own life, nor does she delight in my Will, or dissolve hers in Mine. This one I look at, yes, but she does not reach the point of enamoring Me, nor do I reach the point of going mad for her, as I do for those of the supreme unity."