✞ Before dying, the soul must make everything die in the Divine Will and in Love.
As I was in my usual state, it seemed that Jesus made Himself seen for a little, and I said to Him: ‘Life of my life, my dear Jesus, during these past days I have been disturbed, and You, who have been so jealous of my peace, have not had a single word for me in these past days to give me that peace which You so much want.’ And He: ‘Ah, my daughter, I was scourging and destroying cities and burying human lives – this is why I have not come. On this day of respite – for then I will take up the scourge in my hand once again – immediately I have come to see you again. You must know that if I did not reward the things done with purity of intention, the upright works, and everything that is done for love of Me, I would fail a duty of justice, and all of my other attributes would remain obscured. Therefore, these are the three most powerful weapons to destroy this poisonous and infernal slobber of disturbance.
So, if the necessity to chastise should force Me not to come for a few days, and this air of hell wanted to invest you, put these three weapons against it: purity of intention, work of victim - upright and good in itself, and sacrificing yourself for Me with the sole purpose of loving Me, and you will defeat any disturbance and will cast it away into the deepest hell. And with your indifference you will turn the key so that it may no longer be able to get out and molest you."