Please keep my wife in your prayers...

By The Webmaster

October 17, 2024

Originally Posted By:
The Webmaster

Please keep my wife in your prayers...

Hi again everyone.  

Pray the RosaryFirst, thank you to all who helped us.  We did all we could to try and stretch what we had for as long as possible.

Next, please keep my wife in your prayers.  She continues to get blood clots that are painful and very frightening since any one of them can kill her.  And this morning she woke up with another possible clot in her leg AND arm.   Unfortunately, the stress we are under is making her condition even worse.  (A recent car accident around the time we had gotten a 'hex' placed on us has depleted us of the remainder of what we had, and she's been overwhelmed with stress trying to cope with the unfortunate turn of events.)

We are going to various doctors but so far we have not figured out why this is happening.  (And 'NO' she did not get the "NWO's Miracle Shot", although I wouldn't rule out her catching the spike proteins from someone who did receive the shot and is shedding those proteins, which is a side-affect of their 'cure'.)  

Please pray for her that her doctors can figure out why this continues to occur so she can get the proper treatment (or a healing!).  And please also pray that our finances improve.  I am doing all I can but every time I think we are finally in the clear a new misfortune seams to land right in the middle of our family.

Lastly, work has FINALLY begun on the new project for the faithful.  For a while I was trying to build an "After The Warning" app, but it kept getting hindered.  Finally, through John Martinez, the Lord told him that He did not ask me to build that project, which is why it was not coming to fruition.  A few days later I got confirmation on what He did want me to build.  And so, we have begun work on "The Underground Prepper", which will be a tool for the 'Underground Church'... aka... us all.  Pray that we can get this built before the Warning.  We'll be sharing more with you all in the coming weeks.  VERY EXCITING!!!

God bless, and thank you all!!