Latest Messages

By Children of the Renewal

September 6 thru September 27, 2024

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September, 2024 Messages from Jesus

Friday, September 6, 2024

My daughter I am present it is I Jesus, please write.

Anti-Semitism is on the rise for the people of Israel.  My founding people were also anti-Semitic, for some wanted their own race of people and decided to introduce their own worship which led to a mixture of Israelite people with their own beliefs.  Daughter, I give you these words today to pray for the true Israelite people for they are in danger of extinction.  The evil one desires to extinguish the people of God.  My words to you are to pray for My people of Israel asking the Father to allow Israel to be saved, opening their hearts to the true presence of His love by accepting the Son of God, this would please the Father greatly.  I ask for your prayers.

You My children of America are as well on your way to be annihilated if you continue to accept this communistic regime.  Your freedoms have been taken but I say fight for your freedom, repent and ask God for forgiveness and humble yourselves before God your Creator.  I am with you always children, be not afraid and listen to your hearts where I dwell in the soul who wishes to love Me and pray to Me, for I am a God full of mercy and love.  I wait for each of you in your time of prayer.

Now My children, 2024 is the year you will be taking back your freedoms from the evil oppressions inflicted on your people.  I will be leading you by the man who believes in God and respects My laws – HE IS DONALD TRUMP.  This year may seem unpredictable to you, but I know what will transpire and all you need to do is TRUST and all will be accomplished.  I am with you always.


Friday, September 13, 2024

Today in My Will you will learn about My coming into your world to be made one with humanity.

I am here children of My Will; I am coming soon into the world to be your witness of truth.  I will bring hope to humanity, and I will be your light in the darkness.  No other time is as important as now, for you My children are living in dangerous times when mankind has turned to satan and not God.  I say to you that My justice is coming, and I will seek to repair what has been lost and I will pour out My Spirit to humanity, this comes children, it comes soon.  Do not waste time on frivolous things that have no value or merit for God and Heaven.  Place yourself in My Will to receive graces for the purpose of your faith to obtain salvation and the salvation of humanity.  This will bring you to the depths of My heart and please the Father your Creator.  I am with you always and I will be coming soon to bring you into the Kingdom.  I love you with an infinite love.  Believe and know that I will never leave you.  

Now is the time for I come and bring the love of My Spirit to all creation in an act of My Will.  Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven, Fiat! 


Friday, September 20, 2024

Matthew 12:43-45 “When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest but finds none.  Then it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when it comes, it finds the house empty, swept, and put in order.  Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there, and the last state of that person is worse than the first.  So also, will it be with this evil generation.”

I am with you children, it is I Jesus.  My desire is that you pray the Our Father with a contrite heart full of love, knowing that the Father hears you and will answer you accordingly.  Do not feel that He is a stranger but know that He is your Dear Father from Heaven.  The Father waits for all His children that He created to come back to Him – He knows that their time on earth is short, and the Father knows that He must bring His Justice in order to save humanity from their own demise.  I am telling you this so you will understand that mankind has been compromised by the evil one and this evil has given mankind the opportunity of power and wealth which has led to grave sin.  This power and wealth, when used for one’s own gain, leads to sin.  And yes, this power and wealth is also acquired when the soul allows evil to reign in their lives, this My children becomes the dark power of satan.  What you are seeing now is the dismantling of this dark power for the better of humanity, by My hand.  The Father has destroyed satan’s dark force once before in the great flood but it has returned with a vengeance and over a long period of time evil has regained power again.  You see this as the past repeating itself and the regaining power in this future generation, now the time has come again for the Father to strike this evil down once more.

Many things will be exposed, and you will witness their evil deeds and abominations.  I come to My children as a light in this hour of darkness.  Many follow satan, but more will come to follow Me and I will lead an army to destroy what has been infiltrated.  You, My prayer warriors, continue your acts in the Divine Will, so all will come to see the Truth and mankind will be healed of this great evil abomination.  All will fall into place soon and you will see the great deception of how you were deceived and how those of My Church were accomplices to this deception.  No human person will be able to handle these revelations unless one is truly living their faith and believe in the One True God.  My Mother will be of aid to all those who have given their hearts to Her in Total Consecration, She will be of great assistance to Her children in their time of need.  No one knows the hearts of men, only God, so I say to you please make yourself one with Me, come to the foot of My cross and repent.  Believe that I am Jesus the Son of the living God, for all things will come to pass as I have foretold through My people whom I have allowed to hear My words.  Do not judge and be thankful that I have given you many prophets for these times.  Now My children is the time and all will be revealed, for My Will is given to those who wish to walk in the light of My Will and bring forth the Kingdom of God.  I am with you always.


Friday, September 27, 2024

I am with you daughter, please write…

Today, daughter I speak about war.  What is war My children?  It is an indifference of another with a reason to control humanity so mankind will submit to one’s evil intents to enforce an agenda.  This war I speak of is an end to all wars.  I have asked My people to pray, to be vigilant and they have responded.  You My children must accept the consequences of your actions.  Your acts in the Divine Will are to be made for humanity in a positive and holy way, but your negative acts are not pleasing to the Father.  I came into the world to surrender with all My acts given to the Father, even laying down My life for all.  Today your negative acts in the world are the result of WAR – SINS are negative acts that humanity has brought about which effect the individual causing the sin and others as well; resulting in hatred, envy, jealousy and pride all leading to war and even demonic influence that can destroy and kill your fellow man.  I want all My children to understand that one must also defend themselves from the enemy, even if this results as a negative consequence.

Now I will explain where your country, the USA, is headed.  Since this evil regime has been in place, they have incited many evil schemes, deceitfulness, and deviant acts to accomplish their end game.  Your country will now be taking back the leadership and will not be destroyed but you will be struck down with a blow that will cause much death.  I have warned you America that other countries are also implicated in this role trying to conquer your nation.  You will have peace, but only after you have felt the repercussions and hardships of war in your country.

I AM A JUST GOD, but My people must understand that sin will destroy not just one person but will destroy an entire nation.  Pray, Pray, Trust, and listen with a contrite heart for I am with you always.



The cross that surmounts the overall depiction of the heart signifies the throne we made for our Heavenly King.  But Christ changed this throne of pain into a sign of His love.


The flames signify the fire of Divine love.  It’s not a fire that destroys, but is a fire that purifies.  Every step we take in the spiritual life will become more purified and result in a deeper union with Jesus.