✞ The sweet notes of Love.
"Father, is praying in Tongues okay? And who is Elijah??"
Turn to Jesus, My Belovéds and hold Him closely to your Hearts. His is the light and the path to Me. He is that comes before Me and I Love Him as I Love you. Belovéd Children, worship and Love Me with all of your Hearts. When a thing is against Me, the Spirit speaks within your Hearts. When it is something for Me, it is right and just. It is a winged prayer that I Love and you are not to deny Me, the Lord God, this gift of songs.
Pray, Belovéd Children, for your discernment is minimal and you must understand my Will. My Will for you is good and correct, yet so many of My Belovéd Children deviate from My plans for them. It will bring them terror when they have fallen behind Me into the darkness of the pit where there is no reason, nor Love. Belovéd Children, you must pray to your Lord God. Pray when you wake and as you work and before your eyes are closed again to this World. Children, pray and I hear your calls. I listen and stay with you always.
The Belovéd Christ calls out to you. He is My Belovéd Son who has sacrificed Himself for Love. For Love of you. Do not reject the Sacrifice and Love of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do you not know the nature of His Love for you? Pray and understand that His presence chases away sickness and the idle. He is the Light of this World and the Son of God and Man. I Love My Belovéd Son, the Christ. Worship Him according to My Love. Seek out the Lamb and know you shall be guided to Love. You cannot breathe life without My Love.
The Spirit enters you and shines a holy Light upon your Hearts. Pat attention to His light for it shall glorify Me and lead you through darkest days. The Light of the Spirit is within you. Let it make its way through the whole of your lives and the path to My Kingdom is made straight. Belovéd Children, look to My Son in all things. His Will is My Will and I long to give My Children forgiveness and compassion.
See the North and they seek no forgiveness for their iniquities against the Son of God. See the faces of the poor and wretched and they are not preserved, their lives, but they shall reap their rewards in Heaven. Do not reward yourselves in this World, for these are temporal gifts and do not fare you well in death. Of what use is a stone or chip of gold when you have died? I need no rocks and gold is like dust to Me. Thus, I say, forget your gold and forget the stones you build with in this life and look to Me for compassion and forgiveness. My Mercy is for you. I give it freely to those who come to Me in repentance and with Love and adoration and trust in their Hearts.
Belovéd Children, you cannot run from what destruction comes, but I say, do not be afraid. I am your Heavenly Father and I will let no evil befall the Children who pray. I long for your prayers and want you to pray often to Me that I might hear the sweetness of your Worlds.
Belovéd Children, look to the East and the skies are emblazoned with fire. The trees shall wilt and burn and the land shall grow black with soot. Do not close your eyes but watch the East before you and long for the Word of God. Long for Me as I do for you. Thus I say, the North will be uninhabitable and the East a black mound. All of My Children shall weep for Me and I will hear the prayerful.
Belovéd Children, I say pray. Pray as I Love the prayers of My Children. Trust in My Will for you and lay waste to your doubts. My Love is a simple Love and I ask for your Love in return. My Love is as gentle as a dove in repose and I place this Love upon your Hearts minutely. Belovéd Children, know this to be true. I am the Lord God. I am with you always but I am an unobtrusive God and Father. I do not impose My Self upon My Children but allow you to impose yourselves upon Me with great joy!
Thus, I say, come to Me for renewal and Love. Come to Me for Mercy and forgiveness. Come to Me with your Love and My Heart swells with your offering of Love. Belovéd Children, do not stray from Jesus, but follow ever in His footsteps. The path of the Christ is the path to Me, your Lord God and Father. This I say, Love My Son with all of your Hearts and worship Him fervently.
Belovéd Children, your faith will be tested and you must be prayerful. Those who stray even a little will fail in their testimony to the Lord God and what is there to say after? Pray and be faithful to your Lord God and My Strength and Love shall guide you always. Pray, Belovéd Children. Pray.