✞ The work of Love.
3:46 pm – 4:44 pm
Today, I woke up with these words – God speaking to me while I slept and as I was in church. He said:
Do not put your faith in Man, for all men are fallible. Put your trust in Me, My Children, for I am perfect and do not fail you.
The words were so insistent too.
Belovéd Children, at last you hear My Calls. Come to Me when I whisper to you, for I long for your attention and crave your Love. Belovéd Children, do not wither with the sins of this World. Guard yourself and take yourself away from sin. I am your Father, the One True God, and it is only in Me and My Love that you will find peaceor rest. There are trepidations in your Hearts that need not be there. How little do My Belovéd Children trust in Me, the Lord God. Turn to My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus who will guide you and guides you to Me. When you follow My Belovéd and Blesséd Son, you do not become lost in this World of sins and confusion.
[I see fires in a city, and the sky is dark like night, and buildings crash down in flames. It is all darkness, wild fire, and smoke.]
Belovéd Children, My Mercy is so great, and My Heart is meant for you. My Love is so great, you cannot conceive it. What shall I do to bring My Children to Me? I call with Love and you ignore My Calls. I look at you with longing, and your eyes ignore Mine. I whisper to you in the quiet of night, and yet you do not pray. You cannot hear My Loving Words when your Hearts are overtaken or overcome by the temporal things of this World. Do you not see that I breathe Life into each of you, and all that you are and all that you have is provided to you by My Will? Yet, My Belovéd Children, in your arrogance, believe it is by your own hand that you succeed and fail.
Know this to be true, My Children. There comes a day when your riches will be taken from you and you will be poor. There comes a day where you will lose the love of your family and friends and your loneliness will be or feel unbearable. There comes a Time when the Doors of My Mercy will be closed, and your Hearts will cry out with longing and shame.
It is through Me alone that you are made rich. It is by My Compassion and Love alone that bring solace to your barren Hearts. I fill you when your Heart is open to My Graces, and then you shall know true riches and the True Love of Heaven on earth.
Belovéd Children, I say to you again and with great fervency, pray and walk away from sin. I say again, pray, and do not compromise with sin. Know Me. Know what I accept and do not accept. Learn My Words and you shall speak and live righteously. Love and Trust in Me and I give you fortitude against sin and those who would cause you to sin. Pray, My Children, for this World in its fantastic sin, troubles Me deeply, and I cannot bear to lose even one Soul of My Belovéd Children.
Children, you are so Belovéd in your smallness that makes My Love and Will for you necessary and good. A Child cannot make its way through the woods even if there is a trail to follow. Children are too small and naïve to be by themselves. They need the Loving guidance of the parents who Love them. Thus it is with you and Me and My Love, My Fatherhood over you. You, My Belovéd Children, so often take your hands from Mine and wander, thinking you will make your way through the woods without My Guidance.
Children, this World is like the thick woodlands, and the false paths that lead the curious to poisonous fruits and burrs are the very sins of Man. Follow a path without Me, and surely you will sin. Then, because you have let go of My Hand and run away from Me, it will grow easier and easier to compromise and condone your sins. Later still as I call out to you repeatedly, you refuse to hear and walk further from My Love. When you hear My Voice no more, surely you are lost.
Belovéd Children, I am Love and Compassion and I am perfect in all things. Not one of My Belovéd Children is fit to judge another, and so I say to you, do not judge. Do not judge. You are not perfect, just as your brothers are not perfect, and who can know what is in the Heart of each Man but Me, the Lord God and Creator of all things? Who knows the creation best than the One who has created? Thus, I say, do not judge. I see it all too often, and the sins of this World are so great. Children, instead of taking part in the cruelty of criticism, look into your Hearts and I shall help you rid yourself of the sins that damn so many of My Precious Children.
In your smallness, you (do not) understand about the Eternal Life you yet to see. Trust in Me. Trust in Me in all things. Let Me guide you in all things. Give your Hearts over to Me. I am a jealous God and do not accept being second or third or fourth in your Hearts and Minds. Who would (you) call out to when your riches are gone, and you are left stranded and alone, and you have no sustenance, and you are frightened by your state?
You call out to Me. You call out to Me in your fears and troubles, and I leap or fly or quickly go to you to comfort you and give you peace.
[The feeling is like that true desperation to protect a child in danger.]
I guide you to My Light and you are content to be with Me until you have healed, and your riches are restored, and you have friends once again. You fail to thank Me by staying by Me always. You turn your back on Me once again in your arrogance and smallness.
Children, My Love for you is so GREAT, and I long to give you My ever Divine Mercy, yet so many do not come. Your sins have become greater than your Love of Me. This World that you rule over has caused you to take no notice of Me. Your Love for the temporal, and for the easiness of sin, and the gluttony as you partake in sin, and the gleefulness you take in committing sin, overwhelms My Heart with sadness. Children, I am a Loving and patient Lord, but I do not abide by sin.
[I asked Him about the scale between love and sin, but I saw only the fires again.]
Seek Me out with all of your Hearts, for a fire comes that shall bring you inside yourselves and burn with great pain those who have rejected Me, those who have led My Children astray, and those who would continue to sin willfully even while knowing the gravity of their sins.
You shall all know or see (spiritually) the One True Christ and the very Cross that bound Him in pain. You will know a small piece of what is Heaven and what is hell. You will know yourselves as I know you.
Children, thus I say, do not wait. You are within the Times or gates or place of My Mercy, but you have no more Time. Belovéd Children, My Belovéds talk of Time. Children, do not ridicule My Children who are meant to guide you to Me. Do not scoff at their great reverence for My Most Belovéd Son. They carry the message of My Great Love and Mercy as well as My Warning of Time. This World does not believe in the Lord God and Father. You have pierced the Heart of Christ so often. Pray in penance, lest you are not in time and are subjected to devastations.
Belovéd Children, all that I allow is not to punish you. Do not be angered by your difficulties and tribulations. All that I do is My Will and My Will is good. I want all of My Belovéd Children with Me, steeped in the Love of Christ Jesus, and the Spirit who Loves you and in the Father, who longs for you. Thus is My Will and I shall do all that I can to bring you back to Me, just as a parent will do anything to have his child found and saved from the ravages of the woods.
Children, do not guess at My Mystery, for you are too small. Instead, share My Love with your brothers and pray. Pray for this World that sins so gravely against Me. Partake of the Holy and Saving Eucharist, the Christ Jesus who longs to heal your Souls.
Children, do not wait. I say, do not wait. Come to Me now. Know what I Love and accept and what I do not Love or accept. Read the words of My Belovéd Son that you are not misled in this Time of tribulations, for it will grow worse and more false teachers will emerge and seek to harm your Souls by leading you away from Me and My Word to the darkness that is so evil in its blatant sinfulness.
Children, I talk much of sin today, because My Children have lost sight of what I consider sin.Many, too many, of My Belovéd Children sin without regard to My Will. I do not abide by sin and I am astounded by the willfulness of My Children. The Angels stand in horrible awe of your sins against Me. Again, I say to you, pray for Man and in His sinful nature that He may come to know your Lord and God.
Pray, My Children, and stay close to your Father whose Heart is filled with Love for each of you. Do not stray, Children, for it is close to nighttime, and when you cannot see, there is no light. I bring Light to this blinded World – to the child lost in the woods. Acknowledge and follow My Light of Love straight to Me. Come to Me and away from darkness. Know Me and Love Me with all that you are, My Children. Belovéd Children, I give to you My Peace. Peace, My Children.