✞ Jesus is light, and light is truth.
Message of Our Lady of Zaro, February 8, 2018, given to Angela
This evening Mother appeared dressed all in white; the edges of her dress were golden. Mother was wrapped in a large white cloak that also covered her head. From the mantle, a heart of flesh crowned with thorns could be seen on her chest. Mother had a long Holy Rosary in her right hand and in her left a small wooden cross.
Mother was resting her feet on a carpet of flowers. On her head she had the crown of a queen.
To Mother's right was Jesus on the cross with the signs of the passion. On his head was the crown of thorns; from his head blood was dripping, falling on the earth. Mother was sad.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"My dear children, thank you that this evening you have again welcomed and responded to this call of mine.
My children, I love you, I love you immensely. Beloved children, this is a period of graces, it is a moment of true salvation for each of you. In a few days the Church will give you the intense time of Lent, a moment for greater reflection and for conversion. This will be for you a period of graces and of returning to God. For each child Lent is a moment of reflection, retreat and forgiveness.
My children, this time of grace will also be a great moment of trial for you. Much will be asked of many of you. I ask you for prayer, penance, fasting and charity towards the last, but do not worry - you will have the strength to do it because nobody is asked to bear a greater weight than they can carry.
Dearly beloved little children, live this period as a time of waiting and listening. Go to Mass every day, go to find my son Jesus and pause to pray in silence. Jesus is there waiting for you with open arms.
Children, remember that Jesus died on the cross to save you and yet you sin. Please, children, hide yourselves in his wounds, hide yourselves in his eyes, hide yourselves in his arms and renounce yourselves. Crush your ego and make God reign. He is your only salvation, and salvation is acquired through suffering and trial.
Beloved children, once again I say to you that the cross builds up, it is the cross that saves you. The road to salvation is hard but in the end there is the eternal reward.
Children, I ask you to continue to form prayer cenacles; do not extinguish the flames of your houses, but be living hearths. Do not worry about the difficulties that present themselves to you: it is where there is an impediment that you must be insistent, it means that you are on the right path." Finally Mother blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Message of Our Lady of Zaro, February 8, 2018, given to Simona
I saw Mother, she had an ashen-pink dress, a golden belt around her waist, her mantle was green and looked like velvet; on her head was a delicate white veil studded with little golden stars. Mother had her hands joined in prayer and between them a Holy Rosary made of light.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"My dear children, I thank you that you have hastened to this call of mine. Behold, my children, I come to bring you the Light - the Light shines in the world and the darkness has not overcome it.
My beloved children, in the most difficult moments of your life, cling to prayer, let the light of the Lord enter into you, offer everything to Him and He will turn all your crying into joy, all your suffering into peace, all your sorrow into joy, he will give you the strength to face everything; only in Him and with Him will your life be able to flourish again.
My beloved children, faith is like a field sown, it needs to be fertilized and watered, cared for, only thus can it flourish and bear fruit.
My children, fertilize it with prayer, water it with Eucharistic adoration, make it grow with the holy sacraments and replenish it with the love of the Lord.
My beloved children, I love you and I come again to ask you for prayer, prayer for my favored sons so that they do not lose the right path; pray for the Holy Father that he might be an instrument of love and peace in the hands of the Lord.
Pray, my children, let Christ come into your life so that he would fill it with light and give you graces and blessings.
Now I give you my holy blessing.
Thank you for having hastened to me."