✞ The Father forms one single thing with Jesus. Jesus gives Himself continuously to souls.
Letter to grieving friend in Slovenia
(previously unpublished)
I sent a letter to my friend in Slovenia. My friend had lost two sons and a grandson. She was very grateful for the consolation but her pain was beyond any consolation. I prayed for her, that our Lord would heal her sorrow.
Our Lord Jesus appeared and said, smiling, “My child, tell all people not to grieve so hard when a loved one is taken away from this world. Tell them to be more joyful and pray for their loved one, but you, My children, you have such a weak faith. You behave so badly and you have no hope and you believe that it is the end of everything.”
“When you behave like that, you upset Me very much in front of all the Saints and all Heaven. No, My children! It is not the end of everything! It is the beginning of new life.”
“I told you so when I was living amongst you. I go before you to prepare the way to the House of My Father. If that was not true, I would not tell you. You have to prepare yourselves already here on earth that you wish to come to Me in Heaven, and that you have trust in Me completely. You also have to accept all the crosses and suffering that I send you. This is the only way that you will be worthy to receive your crown and you will be crowned in Eternal Life.”
Lord Jesus gives us a guarantee that He will never desert us and He will love us forever, if we only trust in Him.
Sacred Heart of Jesus
One day our Lord Jesus invited me to Heaven. I was brought to Heaven by an Angel of the Lord. Being there was such a beautiful feeling. I could feel so much Love coming to me. The more you receive, the more Love was coming. I had no cares about the world and I did not miss anyone on earth. It is all taken away from me.
I saw mountains and gentle flowing rivers. The water was like crystal. It was living water. Everything was so green and so perfect. I saw fields and fields of different coloured flowers. They were very much alive and vibrant. As I touched the flowers they were really alive. I picked up some of the soil and it felt like grains of sand.
While I was feeling all this immense peace and love coming to me, I decided, “This is it, I’m staying here!”
At that moment, two angels appeared and said, “Turn to your right.”
As I turned to my right, I could see our Lord Jesus start walking towards me. He was holding His Hands down, clasped one over the other.
I was instantly pulled towards Him, like a magnet. With His Hand, He raised up my chin and said, “Welcome home My daughter. This is your home one day soon, but not yet.” Jesus embraced me.
Whilst He was embracing me, I felt that we truly belong to Him. His love is so intense and I felt at that moment that He only loves me, and not the rest of the world. But He loves each and every one of us, when we come to Him in the same way. Each one is embraced, each one is consoled by Him and we feel His intimacy.
Whilst I was with our Lord Jesus, I was quiet and listening to Him, but I did not feel worthy to be in His Holy presence.
Jesus said, “I want you to go back. I want you to share with people what you have just experienced and tell them that the houses they have on earth are only temporary, but this, that I show you, your Heavenly home, this is forever. It is Eternity.”
“Tell them that when they praise Me and love Me the way you do, with the sincerity of their heart, they will all be worthy of this Heavenly home.”
At that moment, while Jesus was giving me the message for the world, I felt, that through the Sacred Heart of Jesus is the Gate of Heaven. Through the sincerity of our hearts and through His Divine Mercy, the Gates of Heaven are opened for all of us to enter, for those who seek it.
When you open your heart and praise, love and talk to our Lord, then in your heart you are in union with Him. Whatever you are doing, talk to Jesus. Ask Jesus to bless people, all those that pass you by on the street and that you meet. He is very pleased that we do this because one day that blessing will be like a ‘saving’ in the ‘bank’ account of those that you ask Jesus to bless.
One day, many years ago, I was at a prayer group, quite a large group of about fifty people. After we prayed the Rosary, a lady asked me if I could pray over some women. One of ladies was sitting down as she was very sick.
I said, “Yes, why not!”
I was introduced to the ladies, they were Indian. They each had a red dot between their eyebrows. It appeared they belonged to another religion.
I first went to the very sick lady. I made the Sign of the Cross on her forehead. I then placed my hands on her head and prayed,
“Lord Jesus, bless this lady in this life, while on earth and give her good health, and bless her in the next life for Eternity“.
I then made the Sign of the Cross three times on her forehead. I thanked the Lord and then offered her to Him. She was very happy after I prayed over her.
More than a year later, one night after 11o’clock, whilst I was kneeling in my bedroom saying my prayers, I felt someone tap me on my right shoulder and call my name, “Valentina!”
As I turned around, I recognised the Indian lady from the prayer group. She said, “Valentina, I came to personally thank you. Maybe you don’t remember me from the prayer group, but you prayed over me and you made the Sign of the Cross on my forehead. For doing that, you saved my life for Eternity. If it was not for that Cross on me I would be lost forever. I am so grateful that you saved my life.”
After this experience I felt like going out into the street and making the Sign of the Cross on every person that I meet, just to save souls. It is something that is not hard to do. In your mind you can make the Sign of the Cross and say,
“Lord Jesus, I offer all these people to You in the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
One day, our Lord Jesus said to me that if we don’t have time to say our prayers, we can make the Sign of the Cross as many times as possible throughout the day. This will make up for all the prayers that we don’t offer Him. By doing this we honour the Most Holy Trinity.
14 August 2005 (previously unpublished)
Holy Angels carry beautiful golden Ciborium
This night, like almost any other night, I was in deep physical pain.
I knew that our Lord needed my suffering to save souls. Apart from my physical suffering I was tormented by the devil. These ugly faces kept appearing in front of me and tormenting me.
I kept calling Holy Michael the Archangel to help me. Finally, after at least four hours all the demons left.
I then started to pray, but even my prayer was not good enough because I was still in intense pain, all over my body. I felt like I was going to die.
I said to the Lord, “I cannot even go to church this morning.” It was Sunday morning.
I said, “Please, my Lord, ask the holy Angel to bring me Holy Communion spiritually, if it is Your Holy Will.”
Suddenly, two angels came carrying a beautiful golden ciborium. Inside I could see white Hosts. The angels stood in front of me and I kneeled down. They asked me to say the Act of Contrition. When I finished, the angel placed the Holy Host on my tongue and I started to cry. I was crying tears of gratitude. I was so happy. The love of Jesus filled my soul and I thanked Him very much.
It was so real, the Host on my tongue. Both angels said to me, in a serious tone, “Why are you crying, you should be very grateful to God for His goodness”.
I said, “That is why I am crying. I am overwhelmed. I am thinking, our Lord is so good to me, that is why I am crying. I am nothing and the Lord is so kind to come to me.”
The angels are always very serious about telling us what to do, because they are obedient to God.
While the angels were talking to me our Lord Jesus was standing to my right. He placed His Holy Hand on my right shoulder and He was consoling me. I felt so much love and goodness coming from Him by comforting me, that I cannot explain.
Lord Jesus, in His goodness and kindness, offers consolations. Whatever we are feeling emotionally inside, our Lord can feel that as well. It is beyond our human understanding how He can feel everything we feel.
Today I lamented to the Lord, “Nothing went right, only disappointments. Why am I always last?” I was thinking in my human way.
Our Lord replied immediately, “My child, don’t question, just accept whatever comes to you. You will know one day why. Not here, but in My Holy Presence you will receive the answers and you will be very grateful, for I love you so much and you will praise Me for everything.”
I said, “Thank you Lord for all your graces and blessings, love and mercy.”
19 September 1998 (previously unpublished)
Elevation of the Holy Cross
At home, this morning I was praying under the Holy Cross. I then had a vision of the Living Lord Jesus on the Holy Cross, suffering, in the most beautiful glowing light.
The crucified Lord was becoming more visible and alive. All of a sudden our Lord took down His right Arm from the Holy Cross. He then outstretched His right Hand towards me and said, “Take My Hand My child.”
I took His Holy Hand and held it. His Hand was so bruised, blue and purple flesh.
He said, “Look at how I suffer because of the sin of mankind. Console Me.”
He then asked me to very gently kiss His Holy Wounds, they were so sore.
Jesus said, “Do you know My child that every day I am nailed to the Cross and the pain is unbearable. Love Me and console Me.” He begged me.
While our Lord was holding my hand and I held His, I cried, the feeling was of enormous sadness.
I said to the Lord, “You are the True and Living God, have mercy on me and on the whole human race.”
Our Lord Jesus showed me His Hands pierced with the nails. He asked me to gently kiss each wound on His Hands.
At that moment I felt so much Intimacy and Love come into my soul, something indescribable.
While I was holding His Holy Hand I felt that I was part of His Flesh. I felt how much our Lord really loves us and that we belong to His Sacred Body.
Thank you my Crucified Lord. Have mercy on the whole world.
1 June 1998 (previously unpublished)
Baby Jesus and His little socks
Blessed Mother Mary appeared carrying the Baby Jesus in her arms. I noticed He was sleeping. The Blessed Mother looked at me, smiling, and the Holy Infant awoke.
His Mother turned Him around until He was seated on her hands, leaning against His Mother. When the Baby Jesus saw me He was so excited, He practically jumped into my arms.
The Blessed Mother said, “See, my child, when my Son sees you, He is so happy and excited to see you. I can no longer hold Him back. He loves you so much. My Son wants to be loved by people. He wants to come to everyone’s arms to be nursed and loved.” She then looked sad and said, “But people reject Him.”
I then asked the Blessed Mother, “Did you ever put little slippers and socks on the Baby Jesus while you were on earth?”
She replied, “Yes, I made them myself. We were very poor. You have no idea how poor we were. We lived very simply in a small place. The room just had a bed and a small cabinet made by St Joseph, my spouse. My Son was born for the poor. Even when I put little slippers on His Feet, He just took them off and threw them away. I dressed Him in little socks.” I noticed the socks, which had lemon and blue stripes on them, had a tiny hole in them.
The Blessed Mother said, “Not that I didn’t want to mend them, but that also represents poverty.”
While she was telling me this, she looked very sad. I felt sadness too, in my heart. I felt so sad for her and the Holy Family that I started crying. It touched my soul so deeply. I held Baby Jesus and played with Him. I looked at Blessed Mother and said, “Blessed Mother, my Mother, you were so poor and humble on earth but in Heaven you are raised high above all creatures. You are honoured by God. You deserve all honour for you are the Mother of God.”
At that moment, Blessed Mother was joyous when I consoled her. She smiled and said, “Thank you, my daughter, for your consolation and understanding. Others don’t understand.”