Latest Messages

By Valentina Papagna

March 10 thru March 18, 2022

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It is Pleasing to God that Women Wear Longer Skirts and Dresses

In the early morning, while suffering for souls, the angel appeared and asked that I come with him.

He took me to Heaven, to a heavenly garden, and in the background I could see a large building.

Many saints were present in the garden, all in beautiful white garments, and I could see God the Father standing amongst them and talking to them. Then I could see Lord Jesus as a young Lad with beautiful wavy short blonde hair. He was with God the Father, Who placed a silver object in Lord Jesus’s Holy Hand. The object was lustrous and shiny, the size of a fifty-cent coin. But it wasn’t money. I do not know what it was.

Our Lord Jesus then said to God the Father, “Thank you.”

I heard God the Father instruct our Lord Jesus to take the object to someone.

Lord Jesus turned to me and said, “Valentina! Will you walk with Me? Come, accompany Me.”

“Yes, I will come with You, Lord,” I replied.

We started to walk, and when we walked part of the way, our Lord Jesus stopped, and He said, “No! I have changed My mind. I have to go back.”

“Let’s go back. I have to return this to My Father.”

“Can you accompany Me halfway there?”

“Yes,” I replied.

We walked back and talked along the way, and suddenly, we found ourselves back at the same place from where we started.

He said, “Oh, thank you that you have come all the way with Me back to this place.”

“I’m happy to do that,” I said.

We were walking amongst saintly people, most of whom were women. Our Lord went up to God the Father and talked to Him.

While I was waiting, a large group of saintly women approached me. They all looked at me, and to my utter surprise, they said, “Oh, let us measure Valentina’s skirt!”

“She doesn’t wear long skirts all the way down to her feet.”

I noticed all the saintly women were wearing long dresses all the way to the ground.

They started measuring the length of my skirt with a measuring tape; all of them were very friendly as they fussed around me.

One of the ladies showed the others how much longer my skirt should be and how much extra material I needed. She held up the tape to show them about twenty centimetres was needed. She said, “Her skirt needs about this much material.”

Then they said, “Your skirt is too short! You should wear it longer!”

I looked at the skirt I was wearing and saw that it was the light pale-blue skirt I usually wear around the house.

They said, “It is better that you wear it longer. Our Lord prefers that all the ladies wear longer skirts to cover their legs. Not in pants but in a dress or a skirt.”

“Oh! That’s embarrassing,” I said.

“Well, it is better we tell you. You need about this much material to cover your legs. You have to buy a skirt or make it yourself.”

“You had better do it!”

Not that our Lord directly told me, but the saintly ladies told me. I was amazed, and I thought, ‘How they know everything.’ It is very important for ladies to wear longer skirts as this pleases our Lord very much.

After that, I came home, and for a long time, I was dwelling on what had just happened.

Later I understood, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, it was all God’s plan to take me back to the saintly women for them to explain to me how women should wear longer skirts and dresses, which are pleasing to God.


We must Labour Hard to Save Souls

After the recent heavy rainfalls, I was in my garden looking at all the overgrown weeds and then I started to pull them out. A few days later, I returned to my garden, and the weeds were all back again. There were so many of them.

I said to the Lord, “Lord, there are so many weeds in my garden after the rain. It seems the more of them I pull out, the more of them there seems to be. It’s a never-ending story.”

Our Lord Jesus appeared. He was smiling and, in a very gentle voice, said, “When you pull them all out from here, go to another garden and pull them out of there too, because they will choke all the good crop. Continue to weed them all out; the harvest is not yet complete. Now we have to work very hard.”

“I tell you, now in the world, it is full of bad weeds. They are trying to choke the good crop, which is My small remnant.”

He said, “Valentina, we have to labour non-stop to save the good crop. We will rest when all is complete because now the devil wants to choke all the good crops. He never stops. Proclaim My Holy Word to people and tell them to repent of their sins and to pray.”

The ‘small remnant’ represents the people who are faithful to God, who follow His Holy Will, and who love Him. There are other people in the world who are not necessarily bad, but they are worldly, and they like material things; they do not have a strong faith, and for them, there is too much temptation. The devil tries to choke them, so that’s why we have to labour hard to save their souls.

Lord, have mercy on us all.


Our Sorrowful Mother Pleads for our Prayers to Save Souls

This morning as I started to pray the Apostle’s Creed at the start of the Holy Rosary, our Blessed Mother, Mary most Holy, suddenly appeared as our Mother of Sorrows. She was so sad, wearing a dark mantilla very close to her face, her head slightly tilted towards her left shoulder. Here and there, lovely tiny pink and white flowers adorned the mantilla, with its edging made of a beautiful gold trim about a centimetre wide, framing Mary’s beautiful face.

In a vision, I could see the Sorrowful Image of our Blessed Mother going all around the world. This means that wherever she looks, it gives her sorrow because of the state of the world, which is so sinful now and has fallen away from God.

Looking very sad, she said, “My daughter, think of the Passion and Sorrow of my Son Jesus in this period of Lent, how He suffered for all of you here on earth. And He still suffers to see the world in darkness and full of sin and unrepentance; killings, wars, stubbornness and unforgiveness, the cold-heartedness of humanity. Their hearts are icy cold.”

“Look at my poor children in Ukraine, how they suffer and are being scattered around the world. My children, wake up and pray! This is your only salvation, the Holy Rosary. Humanity is sinking deeper into the abyss of sin, like a boat in a rough sea with people in it; there is no hope to save them.”

“The boat represents their salvation, and if you do not pray, my children, then the boat sinks with the people in it. But even if they are to die and are destined for perdition, they can still be saved through your prayers and through the Mercy of God.”

“Again and again, as your Mother, oh how much I love you with all your faults, and I want to guide you along the straight road that leads to holiness, beauty, eternal happiness, and to your God who loves you so much.”

“Tell all my children, now while I am dictating this message to you, how I cry!”

I could see how Blessed Mother was crying; huge tears were rolling down her cheeks, one after another. I was crying with her.

She said, “Tell my children to console me through their conversion and their prayers. I will give many graces to those who listen to the words I am giving you. They will receive graces of conversion, of healing, and for their different intentions whatever they ask for.”

“Be courageous. I know you are suffering a lot. Satan is looking at destroying everything, but he won’t succeed. My Son and I are constantly with you to protect you. Proclaim the Holy Word my Son and I give you, and trust only in us.”

“I bless you + in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”


The Prayer of Reparation Consoles our Lord Greatly

Blessed Mother Mary most Holy appeared during the Cenacle Rosary today.

She said, “My children, each time you pray, and you renew your Consecration to My Immaculate Heart, you promise that you belong to me, and that is your sure refuge.”

“When you go out of here among people, you spread my blessings, and it is also your duty to encourage others that you meet to join in prayer. Help me to save others and pray for poor sinners so that they can return to God for their Salvation. My Immaculate Heart is your sure refuge.”

Blessed Mother always assures us there is beautiful hope and salvation when we run to her Immaculate Heart which will triumph.

While we were praying, Lord Jesus appeared on the side of the Tabernacle.

Our Lord Jesus said, “Offer this rosary in reparation for the offences committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

While we were praying the Prayer of Reparation, our Lord Jesus said, “My children, how I love this prayer when you offer Me in reparation. All your voices unite in one voice and reach Me high up in Heaven, and I accept it.”

“It pleases Me very much. It consoles Me greatly when you offer this prayer to Me.”

Our Lord was very happy. He was smiling.

Prayer of Reparation

Most Holy Trinity,

Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

I adore Thee profoundly.

I offer Thee the Most Precious

Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity

of Jesus Christ,

present in all the Tabernacles of the world,

in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifference

by which He is so gravely offended.

By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and

the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

I beg Thee the conversion of poor sinners.

When this prayer is said, the angel once told me, “Prostrate yourself, bow right down in reparation for the offences committed against God, that He is so gravely offended by the sins of the world, and this is very serious.”