✞ The work of Love.
Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord! My dear children, I who am the Mother of Jesus have obeyed the Father through the annunciation of the angel. My children, let the will of God always be fulfilled, otherwise you would not know where to go.
The ways of the world lead only to one place. Realize this as soon as possible, or it will be too late. I pray you, do not play for time. The time is closing in. Seek to obey my Son, only He is the Sure Way.
My love for you is great, but only with your help can I offer your sufferings, your offerings, your prayers. Be solicitous; only if you demonstrate to yourselves that, by willing it, you can arrive at the heart of Jesus, will you be true apostles of the end times.
Pray and get others to pray. Accompany your prayers with good works toward all your brethren, even toward those who do not love you. You know that so many hearts will open precisely thanks to what you will know how to demonstrate to them.
Only with your loving demonstration will my distant children return to us. Be true witness of Christ and yours will be the Kingdom of heaven.
I am guiding you, I am showing you the ways, I am helping you in the difficulties that are appearing before you. Be assured that your sufferings, your troubles, your worries, will vanish before the loving mercy of Jesus.
Fear not, have no fear. You know well that fears come from the ancient serpent. You are protected and he cannot do anything against you when you carry Jesus for the peace of the world. My dear children, in the certitude of your obedience to your Father, I bless you, I guide you, I protect you, and I love you.
Be Saints. In this dark time, be light.
Mary, Mother of the Church