✞ The sweet notes of Love.
My dear children, why are you worried about the dead? Do you not know that you must think about living well, in holiness? For your dead you can only pray, but you, my children, how are you reacting to all this?
Do you not know that trials should be confronted with great courage? Pray, then, and have others pray more. Help your brethren in difficulty. Love those yet unable to love.
The trials are just beginning for you. Be courageous. Act always in truth and in the Name of your Creator. This is the moment of your bearing witness. I have been asking this of your for some time, but now, more than ever, must you demonstrate your faith.
Trials are never in vain, let this be clear. They give you a way of demonstrating your true identity and remember that not those who say “Lord, Lord,” will enter into the kingdom of heaven, but those who do the will of God.
Dear children, this is the moment of making his Will known. It is the hour to worry yourselves with the things of God, with sincerity and strength of spirit. Now, finally, will be fulfilled the plans of God.
For you who follow my Word, your duty is this: bring more brethren into the true dwelling, that where there will be no more crying or lament. Be calm, I tell you: where two or more are gathered in my Name, I am there.
You have been created not to suffer, but to enjoy, with all the saints, Paradise. I tell you, rejoice, because your liberation is near. Pray with much certitude, do not doubt. The goodness of God is greater, superior, to the wickedness of Satan.
I love you, dear children. I follow you step by step. You cannot trip up.
Jesus, Crucified and Risen