✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
Having received Holy Communion, I remained afflicted and distressed, because the fits of coughing were such and so many that I felt I was suffocating, and I could neither think, nor be with Jesus according to my usual way. Then, after one hour and more of intense coughing, I calmed down and I thought to myself: ‘It has already been an hour and more since I received Jesus, and I have not been able to recollect myself to be all alone with Him. The accidents of the Host are already consumed; Jesus has left, and I do not know where else to find Him again. So, today for me it has been as if I had not received Holy Communion. But, after all, also in this I kiss, I adore and I bless the Supreme Fiat.’
Now, while I was thinking of this, my sweet Jesus came out from within my interior, leaned His head on my shoulder, and sustained me with His arms to give me strength, for I was so exhausted that I felt I was dying. And all goodness, He said to me: “My daughter, do you not know that there is a Communion which is eternal, so great, and not subject to either diminish or be consumed? Its veils, which hide It in the midst of creatures, are not subject to perish like the veils of the Sacramental Host. It gives Itself in every instant, at each breath, at each heartbeat and in all circumstances. Even more, one must be always with her mouth open to be able to receive them all – that is, with the will of always wanting to receive this communion, so great and continuous that as much as It gives Itself, It is not subject to either diminish or be consumed. Otherwise, many times they remain outside of the soul, without entering into her.
You have already understood what this Communion so great and continuous is: It is my Divine Fiat, which flows as Life within your soul; as heat to fecundate you and to make you grow; as food to nourish you. It flows in the blood of your veins, in the heartbeat of your heart – in everything; It is always in the act of giving Itself to you alone, if you only want to receive It. It would drown you with communions, so many It wants to give to you. With reason, with justice and by right, the Communion of my Will was to be without limits and not subject to be consumed, because It is origin, means and end of the creature, and therefore she was to be able to receive It, in such a way that It could never – never be lacking to her. In fact, something which is origin, means and end must be in continuous act of giving itself, and of being received. If it were not so, her origin of living, and the means to maintain herself would be lacking for the poor creature; and she would lose the end she must reach. Therefore, my infinite Wisdom could never have allowed that the Communion of my Will be limited for them.
The Sacramental Communion, instead, was not given as origin of the creatures, nor as end, but it was given as means, help, refreshment and medicine; and the means, the helps, etc. are given in a limited way – they are not perennial. This is why the veils of the sacramental accidents are subject to be consumed; more so, since if the creatures love to receive Me continuously, there is the great Communion of the Eternal Fiat, which is in act of giving Itself continuously to them. Yet, you were afflicting and almost troubling yourself, as you were thinking that the sacramental species were consumed. You had no reason to afflict yourself, because inside and outside of you, there is the Communion of my Will, which is not subject to undergo any consummation. Its Life is always in Its fullness, nor could my Love tolerate that the little daughter of Our Will be unable to receive Our Divine Life, always new and continuous.”
Then, after this, I continued to feel sick, and while doing the round in the Creation to follow the acts of the Supreme Will, I felt a note of sadness in me, because obedience had imposed on me to obey letting my sickness be taken away, while I was longing for Heaven. I would have wanted to make a jump from the middle of Creation in order to reach my yearned for Fatherland, praying the heavens, the stars, the sun and all created things to accompany me. In fact, since one was the Fiat that gave us life, I had my rights that they should not live me alone, but should all follow me up to the eternal gates, waiting for that very Will which had possessed me on earth to receive me in Heaven; and then, after my entrance into the beatific Celestial Will, they could withdraw, each one to its place. But unable to do this, I felt sad, and in this way I went around the whole Creation. Now, while I was doing this, a loud, harmonious and silvery voice made itself heard from the center of Creation, saying: “Your sad note communicated itself to all created things; so, today you have put us all in sadness. Be sure that we will all accompany you to Heaven – it is right that one who has been in our midst, who has kept us company, may not enter Heaven without our company. But all Creation will remain without the one who gives It joy, who keeps It in feast. Your echo will no longer resound in our midst, by which, rendering us as though speaking, we magnify, love and praise that Divine Will which created us and which preserves us.” The voice kept silent, and I myself felt I was breathing a sad air.
Then I thought I had committed sin for having put the whole Creation in sadness with my sadness. So I yearned for my sweet Jesus to tell him of the evil I had done, and to tell Him that He had made me write so many things regarding the Divine Will so that these might reach into the midst of creatures, in such a way that, by living of this Divine Fiat, they might possess a Kingdom so holy. Then, while I was thinking of this and of other things, my beloved Jesus moved in my interior and told me: “My daughter, you are right in wanting to come, but before all the knowledges of my Will come out and take their course, it will take time. And this is why the Creation is right in saying that It will remain in Its silence once again. However, I do not want you to oppress yourself - abandon yourself in Me and let your Jesus do everything.”
And I: ‘My Love, when You take me to Heaven, I pray that You take me quickly quickly, so that they may not have the time to give me this obedience.’ But while I was saying this, I seemed to see the heavens, the sun and all Creation bowing around me to pay homage; and Jesus added: “My daughter, when you die, the whole Creation will invest you, and you will pass into Heaven in a flash. Aren’t you happy?”