✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
I was doing my usual round in the Divine Volition, and in each thing I placed my “I love You”, asking that the Kingdom of the Fiat may come and be known upon earth. And reaching all the acts that my sweet Jesus did in Redemption, I asked, in each act, for the coming of His Kingdom; and I thought to myself: ‘Before, in going around so much, both in all Creation and in Redemption, I used to place only my “I love You”, my adoration, my “thank You”. And now, why can I not do without asking for the Kingdom of the Fiat? I feel I would want to overwhelm everything – the most tiny and the greatest thing, Heaven and earth, the very acts of Jesus and Jesus Himself - and force them, so that everything and everyone may say, together with me: “We want the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat. We want It reigning and dominating in our midst.” More so, since all want It; the very acts of Jesus, His life, His tears, His Blood, His wounds, say from within: “May our Kingdom come upon earth”. So I enter into the act of Jesus, and I repeat along with it: “May the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat come soon”.’
Now, while I was thinking of this, my beloved Jesus came out from within my interior, and with unspeakable tenderness told me: “My daughter, one who is born in my Will feels Its life flowing within her and, as though naturally, she wants for all, that which she possesses. And since my Will is immense and encloses everything and everyone, one who possesses It wanders through all the things It encloses, to pray It and win It to descend upon earth and form Its Kingdom. However, you must know that in order to have dominion and be able to say what you want in all the things which came out of my Will and enclose It, first you had to know them and then love them, so that love might give you the right to possess them, and to make them do and say whatever you want. This is why before, in going around through all of my works, you impressed your “I love You”, “I adore You”, “I thank You” – you were getting to know my works and taking possession of them.
Now, after the possession, what greater, holier and more beautiful thing, more bearer of all happinesses to the human generations, can you ask in the midst of my works and together with them, than the coming of the Kingdom of my Will? More so since, in Creation it was the kingdom of the Fiat that I wanted to establish in the midst of creatures. And also in the kingdom of Redemption, all of my acts, my very Life, their origin, their substance - deep within them, it was the Fiat that they asked for, and for the Fiat were they made. If you could look into each one of my tears, each drop of my Blood, each pain, and all of my works, you would find, within them, the Fiat which they were asking for; they were directed toward the Kingdom of my Will. And even though, apparently, they seemed to be directed to redeeming and saving man, that was the way which they were opening in order to reach to the Kingdom of my Will.
This happens also to the creatures, when they decide to take possession of a kingdom, a house, or a land: they do not find themselves in it and in possession of it, in one instant; rather, they must make their way. Who knows how much suffering, fighting and climbing of stairs, in order to find themselves in it, and then take possession of it.
My daughter, if all the acts and pains which my Humanity suffered, did not have the restoration of the Kingdom of my Fiat upon earth as their origin, substance and life, I would have moved away and lost the purpose of Creation – which cannot be, because once God has set Himself a purpose, He must and can obtain the intent. If in everything you do, suffer and say, you do not ask for my Fiat, and do not have my Will as origin and substance, you move away and do not fulfill your mission. And It is necessary that you go around times upon times in my Will, in the midst of my works, to ask, all in chorus, for the coming of the Supreme Fiat - so that, together with all Creation and with all my works which I did in Redemption, you may be filled to the brim with all the acts that are needed before the Celestial Father to make known and to impetrate the Kingdom of my Will upon earth.
Now, you must know that all Creation and all of my works done in Redemption are as though tired of waiting, and find themselves in the condition of a noble and rich family, whose children are of appropriate stature, good looking, of uncommon intelligence, always well dressed, and with marvelous neatness. They are the ones who make always the best impression among all the others. Now, after such a great fortune, this family had a misfortune: one of these children, degrading himself, descends from his nobility and goes around always dirty; he does unworthy and vile acts which dishonor the nobility of the family, and as much as they do so that he may appear together with his brothers, they do not succeed; rather, he becomes worse and worse, to the point of becoming the mockery and the laughingstock of all. The whole family has a constant sorrow; and as much as they feel the dishonor of this son, they cannot destroy him and say that he does not belong to them, or that he did not come from that same father to whom they belong.
Such is the condition in which all Creation and all the works of my Redemption find themselves. Their origin is Divine nobility; all of them have the Will of their Celestial Father as uniform, as dominion and as life; therefore they all maintain themselves in their nobility – beautiful, decorous, pure, of enchanting beauty, and worthy of that Will that possesses them. After so much glory and honor, this celestial family had the misfortune that one alone – man – who came from the same Father as theirs, degraded himself, and in the midst of their great glory and beauty, he is always dirty, he does foolish actions - unworthy and vile. They cannot deny that he belongs to them, but they do not want him in their midst so dirty and foolish; therefore, as though tired, they all pray that the Kingdom of my Will may come into the midst of creatures, so that one may be the nobility, the honor and the glory of this family. And in seeing that the little daughter of my Will comes into their midst, and admiring them, asks, and makes all ask, for the coming of the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat into the midst of creatures, they all feel delighted, because the end of their sorrow is near.”