✞ Signs to know whether the soul is in Grace.
I was doing my usual acts in the Divine Fiat, and for each created thing I repeated my long singsong of my ‘I love You’; but while doing this, I thought to myself: ‘I have become so used to it, that it seems I cannot do without saying, “I love You, I love You…”.’ Now, at that moment, my sweet Jesus moved in my interior, telling me: “My daughter, this continuous ‘I love You’ of yours is nothing other than the continuity of the first ‘I love You’ said in my Divine Will which, pronounced one time, has the virtue of repeating, with facts, that which was said once. The ‘I love You’ forms the heat, and my Divine Will forms the light which, invading the ‘I love You’, forms the Sun, one more radiant than the other. How beautiful is the life of the soul in my Divine Will! She acquires a long progeny - almost interminable. In fact, if she thinks, she delivers her thoughts within the divine mind, forming the long generation of her children in the mind of her Celestial Father; if she speaks, she delivers her words within the word of God, forming the long generation of the children of her word; if she operates, if she walks, if she palpitates, she delivers her works within the hands of her Creator, her steps within the divine feet, her heartbeats within the paternal Heart, forming the long generation of the children of her works, of her steps and of her heartbeats. What an endless generation one who lives in my Will forms for her Creator! She is the populator and the fecund mother that keeps the One who created Her always in feast, because each child is a feast that God feels being delivered within His womb by one who lives in His Will.”
And, all moved, He repeated: “How beautiful she is! How beautiful is the newborn of my Will! In her littleness she would want to engage in a competition with her Creator; she would want to give Him the occasion always to smile, and with childlike surprises capture His gaze, always fixed upon her, to show Him the long generation of her children.”
As though fainting with love, He kept silent; but a little later He added: “My daughter, the creature has three kingdoms in her soul, which are her three powers. These can be called the capitals of these three kingdoms, while all the rest of the creature – words, eyes, works, steps… - are cities, villages, rivers, seas and territories that form these kingdoms. The heart itself cannot be called a capital, but the most important city of communication for the others. Now, in a war, if the capital is conquered, the war ends, because all other cities are defeated along with the capital. If my Will arrives at taking over the three capitals of these kingdoms, raising Its throne in them, all of the other cities will be conquered and dominated by the Supreme Fiat. How much glory these kingdoms will acquire! They will be the happiest, the richest and most populated ones, because the One who rules them and dominates them is the invincible, the strong, the powerful One. No one will dare to molest and disturb their order; everything will be peace, joy and perennial feast. So, those who live in my Divine Fiat will possess three Suns, one more beautiful than the other – three peaceful kingdoms, enriched with all the joys, harmonies and happinesses; and they will be crowned with three crowns. But do you know who will crown the forehead of the children of my Will? The Sacrosanct Trinity. Enraptured by their likeness to Us which We infused in them in creating them, seeing that Our Fiat has raised them and formed them as We wanted, and wounded at the sight of Our own features in them, the ardor of Our love will be so great, that each of the Three Divine Persons will place Its own crown, as the special distinctive sign that they are children of Our Divine Will.”
Then, I was feeling so immersed in the Supreme Fiat, that I felt like a sponge soaked with Its light. It seemed to me that all created things were bringing me the kiss of the Divine Volition, and in that kiss I could feel the lips of my Creator impressing it upon me. It seemed to me that the Fiat was carrying the Three Divine Persons with Itself. Now, while I was feeling my mind dissolved in the light of the Fiat, my sweet Jesus came out from within my interior and told me: “My daughter, when my Will has Its Kingdom upon earth and souls live in It, Faith will have no more shadows, no more enigmas, but everything will be clarity and certainty. The light of my Will will bring in the very created things the clear vision of their Creator; creatures will touch Him with their own hands in everything He has done for love of them. The human will is now a shadow to Faith; passions are clouds that obscure the clear light of It, and it happens as to the Sun, when thick clouds form in the lower air: even though the Sun is there, the clouds advance against the light, and it seems it is dark as if it were nighttime; and if one had never seen the Sun, he would find it hard to believe that the Sun is there. But if an impetuous wind dispelled the clouds, who would dare to say that the Sun does not exist, as they would touch Its radiant light with their own hands? Such is the condition in which Faith finds Itself because my Will does not reign. They are almost like blind people that must rely on others to believe that a God exists. But when my Divine Fiat reigns, Its light will make them touch the existence of their Creator with their own hands; therefore, it will no longer be necessary for others to say it – the shadows and the clouds will exist no more.”
And while He was saying this, Jesus made a wave of joy and of light come out of His Heart, which will give more life to creatures; and with an emphasis of love, He added: “How I long for the Kingdom of my Will! It will put an end to the troubles of creatures and to Our sorrows. Heaven and earth will smile together; Our feasts and theirs will reacquire the order of the beginning of Creation; We will place a veil over everything, so that the feasts may never again be interrupted.”