Quick update about our situation...

By The Webmaster

September 10, 2024

Originally Posted By:
The Webmaster

A quick update here...

First, thank you all who have helped us.  I have not gotten back to everyone yet, but please know I pray for you all, even those who cannot help but simply say a prayer for us.  And for those who have sent us mail, please know how grateful I am for each of you as well and ask the Lord to bless you before I even open your letter.

Now, I'm asking if you will please remember to pray for us because we have received some disturbing news.  We started running into further issues recently, from car accidents to expensive things breaking down and my wife getting ill over and over without explanation.  Then the other day we received an email from a Satanist asking if we are 'enjoying' the curses and hexes they are placing on my wife's health and our finances.     In short, their end goal is for the messages from Heaven to be silenced.

So please say a prayer for us.  And if this 'bad person' is reading this, please know that we forgive you and are praying for your conversion.

Thank you all for all your help and prayers.  God bless.




Hi again everyone!

Jesus Save UsFirst, thank you to all who have donated to our ministry over the past several months.  Your generosity has helped us keep the lights on and food on the table.  I cannot tell you how many times we were at the end of all we had when suddenly the Lord blesses us with just what we needed through one of you.  We can never thank you enough for all the help we received.  Thank you.

Unfortunately, today we are facing some new struggles.  Although I am currently working (often day and night), the structure of our recent contracts were set up where I cannot get paid until the work is completed.  Usually this isn't a problem since I often have other projects running at the same time that paid more regularly.  But this past month is different.  I have 2 projects running side-by-side, both are set to not be paid till work is complete, and we have no other work at the moment due to most companies closing their books for the fiscal year.  And worse, these projects are over a month away from completion at best!

In other words, we are almost completely out of means to pay our bills and keep food on the table.

I hate asking, but any help and prayers would be SO Greatly Appreciated!

May the Lord Bless you all, regardless if you can help or not.  Thank you all.

Your Brother in Christ,


PS: Please also pray for my wife.  She has been diagnosed with some kind of blood disorder causing her to have sporadic blood clots.  They can occur anywhere in her body... sometimes for no reason at all.  And they are so painful.  She's on blood-thinners right now, but we fear she may be stuck using them for the rest of her life.
Please keep her in your prayers.  Thanx.