~1:38 – 3:04 pm Adoration
You raise each of us up, when we are sorry. Even after we repeat our sins, You forgive us and raise us up. *** Who are we to hate…thieves, the violent, the rapists, the pedophiles, when we are lied to, humiliated, hated? Who are we to judge? Christ died for us, and even if there was only me here, He would sacrifice Himself, JUST for me. Or just for one pedophile. Or just for one murderer. No one is better or worse than the other, because we can't judge. We’re supposed to forgive, and we do so when it is the hardest, how You smile, don’t You?
Belovéd Children, I tell you today that you are tenderly Loved by your Lord God and Father. I do not sit idly by, waiting for your Love in return, but actively, daily call out to each of you to Love Me, notice My Calls of Love, and to answer My Calls of Love.
Hear Me, Belovéd Children, for I do not whisper to your Hearts, but call out to them with Love and the ferocity of need ordesire or yearning for you. Love begets Love and why do you deny Me, your Lord God and Father, your Love that I Long for so deeply. I do not cast My net on the few but throw it out upon the whole World with great hope and desire that all of My Children shall be caught up by My Love.
Children, do not hate one another. It is a sin or is sinful because hate begets sin and anger and motives to sin further. Belovéd Children, Love as I Love you. Forgive as I forgive you. There is no end or limit to My Loving Mercy for each of you. Know this to be true. You cannot have Life without Me. My Belovéd Son, the Christ has unlocked the gate to Heaven by His Sacrifice and each of you is so welcomed by Our Love. Please, My Belovéd Children, look to your Lord God and Father. Look to My Belovéd Son, the Christ, for forgiveness, Love, consolation, joy and everlasting Life.
You cannot live without Me, My Children, thus I say, pray My Belovéds, for your lives depend upon your prayers and Love for Me. Belovéd Children, do not beleaguer My Most Belovéd Son with your denials of Love, by your dismissiveness, and by hatred. Of others, of yourselves, and always, of Jesus Himself who is All Holy, All-Loving, and to be held in GREATEST respect, awe, adoration, LOVE, amazement, BIG! [It is all wrapped up in tremendous awe for Him – amazing!]. He is your Savior and the promise made to you of Everlasting and Eternal Life. If you had but one inkling of the BIGNESS of this, of Eternity or Eternal Life and of His Great Sacrifice, surely you would daily rest upon your knees in gladness, and in worship of the Lord Christ. You cannot know and thus, I say to you, trust in Me. Trust in the Love of Christ Jesus and know Eternal Life. You cannot live without Love, and I am Love.
Belovéd Children, do not believe or think that your sins go unnoticed by Me. They bring Me such pain. You are offered My Compassion and forgiveness if you would only turn to Me. When you dismiss My Love and deny the Christ, surely Eternal Life will abandon you and you shall see the pain and agony of Eternal Death. There is no darker, more dreadful, BIG Terrible thing (than) to be without the hope of Me, My Presence, My Saving Grace. It is unfathomable darkness, and so I say to you, My Belovéd Children, now is the Time to turn to Me, your Lord God and Father. Now is the Time to turn to My Most Belovéd Son for His Love and compassion. Do not wait or think or argue over things that you cannot know.
Your faith and Love and trust for Me is a joyous gift that I reciprocate, but do not turn Love away. It is only to your Eternal Detriment. Believe in Me, your Lord God. I am simply Love [such a BIG feeling of love here] and ask only for your Love. Belovéd Children, is it so difficult to accept Love? Purest, BIGGEST Love? Thus I say, do not wait, for the Glory of God comes and My Son shall show you your errors and sins. Do not face the Glory with such sins upon your breasts. How awful it shall be when you have not grasped at My Loving offer of Mercy.
Please, My Belovéd Children, turn to Me, your Father and Loving Creator. I have made you from Love, for Love, and because I Love you. Oh weary Children. Do not be restless, but take comfort in My Mercy and Love. Belovéd Children, know I am ever with you. When the clouds darken from grey to black and the fires fall from the skies and the dragon pursues you, call out to Me and I shall answer with Love and power and smite the demons or leviathans before you. Not one hair of My Belovéd Children’s heads shall be touched or singed by evil.
Trust in Me. Do not trust in the whimsies and farces or lies of this World. Surely your Hearts are not prepared to hold the weight of sin. Turn to Me. Turn to Mercy and I shall lighten the weight you carry with Love and My Holy Forgiveness.
Children, now is the Time. Do not stall and deem your Souls so unworthy of My Timely forgiveness. You cannot know your day or hour. I am the Lord God. It is for Me only to know and to judge. Reconcile with Me, your Most Belovéd and Gentle Father, for I yearn for you with GREATEST Love. [So loving and beautiful…FULL HEART.] Come to know Me as a child knows his Father. Love Me as a child Loves his Father. You know no pain by My Love for you. Rejoice in My Glory and know that the Hand of God will not be raised against My Children who Love or who Love Me and My Belovéd Son, the Christ, for you cannot Love the Son and not the Father and when you deny the Son, so shall you deny the Father and Eternal Life is lost.
Belovéd Children, I adore you with such Love and I am constantly charmed and overjoyed by your particularness oruniqueness. [Such a sense of sweetness here.] Seek Me out. Follow the path of the Christ, and come to have Eternal Life. I cast My nets far and wide and desire that All of My Children seek and have Everlasting Life with Me, your Lord God.
Turn to Me, Belovéd Children. The skies shall tear open and fire shall rain down on those who deny Me. Belovéd Children, the skies will grow dark and the storm will be furious. The lands will scatter and break and holes upon the earth shall burst open before Man, and then those who have denied Me or denied the Christ Jesus will know that destruction has come to turn sinners to Me in their fear. Belovéd Children, do not wait until the storm arrives to shutter your windows. Do not wait until the locusts begin eating the crops before you reap their fruits. Do not wait until night has fallen to fill your lamps with oil, for you will (not) see what is there to trip you or make you fall helplessly to the ground.
Belovéd Children, I offer such blessings from My Great Loving Heart. Come to Me and indulge in the Mercy and Love and forgiveness I offer. Pray, My Children. Pray, My Prayerful Little Ones. The storm is near, and surely Man will see the Son of God’s works of Glory and know the Light of this World must be Glorified. Belovéd Children, pray and I shall answer your every prayer. Love, and I Love. Forgive and I forgive. Belovéd Children, I give you My Peace this day and always. Pray, My Belovéds and it is yours.