✞ The Faith and the Hope of the soul who lives in the Divine Will.
3:53 – 4:38 pm Adoration
Belovéd and Precious Children, I long for your attention. Your voices are songs in Heaven when you call out to Me in prayer. You are My Joy. Believe in My Love for you, Dearest Children. It does not wane, nor do I fail you.
I am your Lord God and Father. I have created all things, and so I say to you, of all in Creation, you are My Truest Delights. You are My Precious Lights and My Heart longs for you. My Heart thirsts for your Love.
Children, come to Me now, even in the midst of your most sinful natures. I will make you whole again. I am the salve of Holiness that soothes the damaged Souls with tenderness and Love. I turn no child away, for it is My Greatest Longing to have each of you with Me Eternally.
Children, if you do not take the cup that is offered to you, how will you quench your thirst? How will you not starve, if you refuse the bread or food you are offered. So it is with My Forgiveness. Deep and completely within the entirety of My Love for you(BIG!), I hope for you to come to Me for forgiveness. Allow Me to make your Souls fresh again. I will cleanse you of your sins. Only, you must come to Me. You must drink from the cup to quench your thirst. You must eat what you are offered, and you shall not die. Only, Children, come to Me.
Call out to ME. Bring your repentant and sorrowful Hearts to Me. I cannot resist a sorrowful Heart. My Love for you is filled with My Mercy. It is My Gift to you, because My Love and longing for you are so great.
Do not doubt even minutely that My Holy and Divine eyes are upon you always. Thus, I weep when you live in sadness or anger or hatred. I weep to see avarice in your Hearts or revenge on your minds. You are meant for the Glory of Heaven. You are My Belovéd Children, and sin is not of Me. Run from sin, My Children, and hose who would encourage your disobedience. It is better for a tree to cut its dead branches in order that it can live and thrive.
Belovéd Children, I say to you always, pray and listen for My Loving voice. I respond to your prayers. I anticipate all that you shall need for every minute of life. How then can you doubt My Great Love for you?
All that I Will for you is to bring you to Me. I am not an intrusive God, but neither do I run My Belovéd Children away from My Sacred Heart. Thus, what takes you from Me is not of Me.
Pray, My Children. When you feel furthest away from Me and your Precious Souls and Hearts are afraid, call out to Me. Know I am there with you, in your despair, in your fear, and in your confusion. Trust in Me and take My Hand, for fear and sadness and hopelessness and confusion are not of Me. When you grasp the Love I give to you, how your Heart will swell the true knowledge and understanding of your Lord God’s eternal Love for His Children.
Belovéds, you are not immune to the trials and tragedies of Life, nor do I create these things for you. The disarray of this World has condemned the health of the earth. Only I am the healing salve. Children, come to Me in your despair and I make your difficulties and tribulations bearable. These things you dreaded for your weakness in facing them will seem like blessings that associate you or bind you ormake you connected to the Cross (that) heal your Souls of sin, for penance is paid by the suffering of My Children.
Belovéd Ones, see to this World, and share the Light of My Love within it. This World needs great light in its darkness, and where My Light exists, darknesses are kept at bay.
Children, at these Times, there are many darknesses that spread across the World, from country to country. I am taken away from My Belovéd Little Flowers in order that they do not know Me. I am removed from the daily lives of those I Love. Your attention has been diluted, because My Name is no longer spoken freely and Lovingly. My Presence in this World does not wane. It is only Man’s acceptance and acknowledgement that disappears or grows cold.
Belovéd Children, do not be afraid to speak My Name. Behold the Lord God who is all powerful and Most Devotedly Loving. Who turns their face away from Love turns their face from Me. Children, protect the Holiest of Holies in My Most Belovéd Son, as His Beatific Body is abused, insulted or degraded, and treated with great irreverence. Pray and protect this Greatest of all Sanctities.
Belovéd Children, a time of mourning comes for those who are devoted to My Most Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus. You will weep for want of Him. Pray, My Belovéds, and protect the Graces of the Most Holy Eucharist, the Son of God and Man.
Belovéd Children, your very daily objective must be to partake of the Eucharist. Do this daily and do not allow any temporal task or entity to keep you from Me. I am the Lord God and My Breath gave you Life. My Most Cherished Son, the Christ Jesus, redeems it. Do not dismiss this Greatest of Gifts. Grasp this, My Children. There are great rewards and great punishments, according to how you have lived this Life. This life is but a dash of Time, and if you understood this, you would not question the need to Love Me fully and perpetually.
My Children are too overcome by wealth and power, what is attractive to Man, and what is so overbearing of your Souls. If you understood My Love and the Eternal, you would be struck dumb by your long inattentiveness, your doubt, and the way in which you spend your Time.
My Love is a treasure. It is not a weight or meant to be burdensome. My Love is perfect and complete. Why do so many cast aside the wealth and treasures of Love so easily?
Children, be wary of what this World promulgates. The earthly treasures are misleading and guide you to what is harmful to your Souls.
Behold the Most Sacred Heart, the Love that fills My Son, the Christ Jesus. Behold how the blood of the Christ bursts forth in His Love for Mankind. Trust only in your Lord God, for this World betrays! Worship My Belovéd Son. Treat Him with Loving Reverence and affection and awe. He has saved you from sin hen death was the punishment or price. [This was said so forcefully.]
Children, pray. Pray for My Servants whose Souls have become lukewarm in their Love for Me and service for My Children. Pray and cease murdering My Belovéd Little Flowers. This is a grave, grave sin, and the punishments will match the sin. Pray for those who enable these murders that they may come to understand that it is death they cause, and what I create must not be taken. Pray, and guide My Children who are lost to Me.
I am the One True God and those who believe in Me will know peace, constancy, and fortitude where strength appear(s) impossible. Children, I am Calling to each of you. Hear My Voice. Hear My Loving whispers. Do not doubt, but trust in Me. Know that I do not ask more of My Belovéd Children than that which I asked of My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus.
Belovéds, I give to you My Peace