✞ The story of ‘why’.
Meditation Garden, St Rosalie's Parish
Hampton Bays, New York
Our Lady of La Salette
My dear son,
It has been over 170 years since I appeared to the children of La Salette and gave them warnings to the world, particularly warnings concerning My Son's Church.
Since then I have appealed to you directly, and I chose you, for you had been born on the 100th anniversary of my appearance to the children of La Salette. In 2005, when I first appeared to you as your Lady of Light, I shortly thereafter brought you to the very same location in the French Alps to speak to you, just as I spoke to the children. Your messages from your Heavenly Mother need to be appreciated by your brothers and sisters now in these end times.
The followers of My Son, Jesus Christ, must recognize that the messages that I have conveyed as the Lady of La Salette are more important now in these end times, because of the crisis that is developing in My Son's Church.
I had warned the children of La Salette of the crisis within the Church, referring especially to the priests who were 'cesspools of impurity'; a truth that has become known to all of you by the scandals that have ripped apart my Son's Church, since my warnings to the children of La Salette were not addressed by the Church Fathers, then or now.
So it is now that the Church of My Son is in great crisis, because of the sins of many of the priests, bishops, and cardinals, and the failure of the Pontiffs in Rome to address the scandals properly. But this failure is only one of the failings of the Church in these end times that have come to pass.
The greatest failure of the leaders and followers in My Son's Church today is the failure to defeat the smoke of satan that has seeped into the Church, stealthily and in secret for decades now. The infestation of the demon and his followers was done intentionally, patiently, and subtly, so that the true followers of My Son, Jesus Christ the Redeemer, would not sound the alarm and rescue the Church from the evil one and his minions.
As your Heavenly Mother, I am now sounding the alarm to all of God's children to recognize that the smoke of satan, of the demon, lucifer, has not only permeated the hierarchy of My Son's Church, but the demon's evil ways are now in many ways controlling the very affairs of My Son's Church to the detriment of all of God's children here on Earth.
I am calling upon all of God's children in these end times to focus your attention on the hierarchy of the Church, both where you live as well as in Rome, and to discern those among the Church hierarchy who are leading the Church astray in its mission, which is the salvation of souls through the Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and not through his enemy, lucifer, who I must report to you with great sadness is being worshipped as the 'enlightened one' even among many of the hierarchy of My Son's Church.
This has happened because of the ancient occult and secret societies that have infiltrated the Church through the centuries to the point now where there is a great struggle within the Church at the highest levels between the followers of lucifer, and the true believers in the Lord and Saviour, Your Redeemer, Jesus Christ.
As I warned at La Salette to the children and later on to you in my Messages from Heaven, a time of crisis would descend upon my Son's Church, a time when cardinals would be pitted against cardinals, bishops against bishops, and priests against priests. Now that time has come.
Are there any among you now who are not aware of the influence of the evil one upon the Church's hierarchy? Are there any among you who are not aware that there is a great division that is splitting apart my Son's Church? If you are not so aware, you need to individually, through prayer and discernment, open your eyes and remove the scales and become vigilant of the attacks on My Son's Church.
Do not despair because of this warning, for I have warned you many times of the sad times that would come, but I also spoke to you of the promise of the Father in Heaven to interfere in the affairs of mankind, and through His Son the Redeemer in these end times, to disrupt the plan of the evil one to destroy My Son's Church.
My warning to you now is that the Church will continue to come under attack from the evil one and his minions, so that without discernment you may fall victim to the evil one and his cunning ways. So you must Pray, Pray, Pray for discernment as you follow the events that are taking place in the Church.
Fortunately, the time is short for satan and his plans, for as the days seem darker and darker in My Son's Church, the time will come soon when the Holy Spirit will descend upon all of humanity and upon My Son's Church to bring about a great renewal for the Church as well as for humanity.
You, as the powerful prayerful warriors of My Son, Jesus Christ, must stand firm now in your faith for the future of the Church will be finally under the power and influence of the Holy Spirit, and the dark spirit of the evil one will be purged not only from My Son's Church but also from the face of the Earth.
Thanks Be To God!
Our Lady of La Salette
Message ended 1:09pm