✞ The story of ‘why’.
My dear children, I bring you my Mother and your Mother today, on the day of one of her feasts. Dear children, you have the joy of having a mother who loves you indiscriminately. She loves all her children in the same identical way.
Just as she went to find her cousin in the incredible moment she was living through, for the difficult wait through advanced age, so she runs to you in your moment of need. Love her and listen to her in these dark times. She brings you my light, my commandments to make you overcome these difficult moments.
Your combat against the forces of evil will be less hard if you do what She tells you. If the little John leapt in the maternal womb at hearing the voice of Mary, all the more should you exult, you who for yet a bit longer will have her in your cenacles.
You will be able to win the final battle only with her help and her love – she, who at the foot of the Cross has suffered for all of you. Only the one who offers his own sufferings for his brothers can understand the sorrow of my Mother.
Only with love and for Love will you save the world, just like in those times my Mother contributed – Mary, the woman clothed with the sun, the woman who draws man near again to God, with her total gift to the Son, the woman who will again help her beloved children to defeat the demon who would like to take with himself so many, too many of my children.
Listen to her voice, respect my commandments in the joy and the certainty of meriting eternal life. May Mary protect you. I bless you.
Jesus, the Liberator