✞ The Father forms one single thing with Jesus. Jesus gives Himself continuously to souls.
Meditation Garden, St Rosalie's Parish, Hampton Bays, Ny
Lo and Behold!
And so it has begun! Especially in the hearts and souls of the faithful to the Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, those of you who recognize that the times have changed and that the earth changes that have been prophesied to mankind since the ancient times are being prophetically and realistically rolled out in these End Times. The deluge that has consumed the United States is only the beginning of the changes that are going to take place in the near future.
Many of you are praying for those who have suffered so many losses in recent times, not just from the geophysical events that are taking place, but also the geopolitical events that are happening in these times. Do you see the pattern of events that have been taking place as harbingers of the times in which you find yourselves? Well then you must accept that this is the time when momentous events will continue to take place.
So now is the time to pray not only for those who are among the victims of recent events, but also for yourselves, your family members and your friends, for the future events will spare no part of the scorched earth that has fallen victim to the sins, idolatry, and perversion of mankind. Unfortunately, the good must also fall victim to the events that are taking place, as well as the bad will, because the events are a result of the collective misdeeds of humanity.
In these end times, those of you who are still praying powerfully to the Father in Heaven have the power through your prayers to mitigate, postpone, or even cancel the events that are prophesied to take place.
Those of you, who are the powerful prayerful warriors of the Father in Heaven, are more powerful than the evil one and his minions, who have brought such great pain and strife to humanity. The evil one and his minions carry a great weight and responsibility for the troubles of mankind, and they have been manipulating and controlling humanity for centuries now, inspired by the demon and his evil ways. Through their collective greed and lust for power, they are responsible for the destruction of the world and the plight of all of humanity.
In these End Times, the Redeemer of all humanity, the Son of the Father in Heaven, is with you very powerfully in a spiritual way to influence the followers of the Father in Heaven to recognize those who are responsible for the troubles of all of humanity, the minions and followers of satan.
In these end times, much of the destruction and despair, and the events that are taking place are either directly or indirectly caused by the followers of satan, who through their occult practices and secret societies are responsible to the rest of humanity.
In these times, the rest of you, the followers of the Father in Heaven and through His Son, the Redeemer, have a special and important responsibility to take charge of the events of mankind. You must recognize the followers and minions of satan through their misdeeds and proclamations calling for a new world order, which is the disorder of the evil one to attempt to rule over humanity and to joust with God's plan for humanity.
The times now will be more difficult for all of you, probably more than you can imagine, although many of you are already experiencing the destruction caused by the evil one and his minions. For what you are experiencing and will continue to experience is the plan of the evil one.
Be aware that much of the earthly events of destruction that are taking place now are planned and engineered by the evil one's minions, utilizing the secret technologies that the prince of darkness has given to his followers here on earth. It is his plan with the willingness of his minions to wreak havoc and destruction upon humanity in these end times through their manipulation of the laws of nature to create tremendous storms, floods, droughts, earthquakes, fires, and other means of destruction, to create havoc and destruction to the inhabitants of your planet.
These followers of satan are psychopaths who are wickedly evil, but they believe that they are acting honorably, because they are actually enslaved in a dark consciousness by their master, the prince of evil and darkness.
Those of you who seek power from the Light, which is the Light of the Father in Heaven through the Intercession of His Son, the Redeemer, you powerful prayerful warriors will be successful through these end times.
However, the mitigation, postponement, or cancellation of terrible events yet to come, depends on your response now to Pray Powerfully to the Father in Heaven to intervene on behalf of all good souls here on Earth to crush the head of the evil one, and sooner, rather than later, to cast satan and his minions into the bowels of darkness for all eternity.
Recognize now that you have the power to end the reign of evil sooner, rather than later.
Call upon yourselves, your family members, and your friends to answer the Father's call now to end the reign of evil and to usher in the New Heaven and New Earth, sooner rather than later.
For in the end, the Father in Heaven and His Followers in Jesus Christ, the powerful prayerful warriors will prevail over the darkness of the evil one
So be it! According to the Father in Heaven!
Message ended 12:45pm